Saturday, September 18, 2010

Thang #5 - Flickr

Check out pictures of my happy places on flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

This was a new activity for me. I had not previously uploaded pics to Flickr or any other hosting service. As I navigate through the 2.0 tutorials, I am reminded by the depth of material available on the Internet to anyone who wants to invest the time in looking ... and some people make it a full-time job! I have looked at photo sets created by libraries/agencies. Nice stuff, but not very interesting to me unless there is some descriptive information attached. I think this key step is often overlooked when photos are uploaded.

I'm not sure about the applications of Flickr right now in my library setting due to the reason mentioned above. Also, I do have concerns about patron privacy issues.

Looking forward to learning more!

1 comment:

  1. Kathy,

    When I click on the link to get to your Flickr account, it signs me into mine and I can't find your albums on there. I'm not sure why.
